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Watch The Age of the Earth (A Idade da Terra) online

Where to watch The Age of the Earth (A Idade da Terra)

Actors: Maurício do Valle,Jece Valadão,Antonio Pitanga,Tarcísio Meira,Geraldo Del Rey,Ana Maria Magalhães,Norma Bengell,Danuza Leão,Carlos Petrovicho,Mário Gusmão,Paloma Rocha,Carlos Castelo Branco,Tetê Catalão,Vanderley dos Santos Catalão,Adelmo Rodrigues da Silva
Year: 1980
Imdb: click here

" Most films from this vaguely defined economic sector of the planet that find a Western audience cater to the paternalism of the world hegemony, excorcise liberal guilt and work in schemas every bit as conventional as the worst sitcoms"

The Age of the Earth (A Idade da Terra) trailer

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