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Watch Larks on a String (Skrivánci na niti) online

Where to watch Larks on a String (Skrivánci na niti)

Actors: Rudolf Hrusínský,Vlastimil Brodský,Václav Neckár,Jitka Zelenohorská,Jaroslav Satoranský,Vladimír Smeral,Ferdinand Kruta,Frantisek Rehák,Leos Sucharípa,Vladimír Ptácek,Eugen Jegorov,Nada Urbánková,Vera Kresadlová,Vera Ferbasová,Jirina Stepnicková
Year: 1990
Imdb: click here

" in the end it's an ode to the czech people, depicting them as refusing to be broken, full of a lust for life that cannot be contained even in the darkest times"

Larks on a String (Skrivánci na niti) trailer

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