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Watch The Time That Remains online

Where to watch The Time That Remains

Actors: Ali Suliman,Maisa Abd Elhadi,Saleh Bakri,Doraid Liddawi,Elia Suleiman,Ziad Bakri,Menashe Noy,Lutuf Nouasser,Tarik Kopty,Yaniv Biton,Nati Ravitz,Baher Agbariya,Avi Kleinberger,Alon Leshem,Alex Bakri
Year: 2009
Imdb: click here

"In his movie, released in 2009, Elia Suleiman sets on a journey to explore the genre of black comedy, so as to reveal to us the secret of coping with a tragedy of which the magnitude is overwhelming"

The Time That Remains trailer

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