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Watch The Suspended Vocation (La vocation suspendue) online

Where to watch The Suspended Vocation (La vocation suspendue)

Actors: Didier Flamand,Pascal Bonitzer,Gabriel Gascon,Maurice Bénichou,François Simon,Pascal Kané,Edith Scob,Frédérique Meininger,Alexandre Tamar,Jean Badin,Françoise Vercruyssen,Marcel Imhoff,Jean Lescot,Daniel Isoppo,Gérard Berner
Year: 1978
Imdb: click here

" The black and white photography elements (courtesy of one of the world's greatest cinematographers, Sacha Vierny, in his first collaboration with Ruiz) were quite striking though, and at times it gave off a very Bressonian feel"

The Suspended Vocation (La vocation suspendue) trailer

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