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Watch The Silent World (Le monde du silence) online

Where to watch The Silent World (Le monde du silence)

Actors: Frédéric Dumas,Albert Falco,Jacques-Yves Cousteau,François Saout,André Bourne-Chastel,Marcel Colomb,Simone Cousteau,Jean Delmas,Jacques Ertaud,Norbert Goldblech,Fernand Hanae,André Laban,Maurice Leandri,Paul Martin,Denis Martin-Laval
Year: 1956
Imdb: click here

"One politically incorrect scene in particular shows the crew pulling sharks out of the ocean and beating them to death with clubs, while nightly dining includes plenty of fresh SEAFOOD! The major project of the expedition is the mapping of the ocean floor using advanced sonar, but in between the crew stays busy exploring the ocean and occasionally 'interfering' with the habits of the local sea creatures"

The Silent World (Le monde du silence) trailer

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