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Where to watch The Phantom

Actors: Ryan Carnes,Sandrine Holt,Cameron Goodman,Jean Marchand,Cas Anvar,Ron Lea,Victor Andres Turgeon-Trelles,Sedina Balde,Isabella Rossellini,Ivan Smith,Luis Oliva,Danette Mackay,Anthony Lemke,Julian Tassielli,Trevor Hayes,Ellen David,Alain Goulem,Stéphane Demers,Vlasta Vrana,Al Dubois,Orla Johannes,Ian Finlay,Mark Raphael,Robert Crooks,Isaac Bellemare,Cary Lawrence,Zhenhu Han,Valérie Wiseman,Lorne Brass,Patrick John Costello,Patricia McKenzie,Paula Jean Hixson,Adam Bramble,Andrew Simms,Richard Stoica,Sylvain Landry,Don Anderson,Rick Shinkoda,Faith Kerner,Keir Cutler,Gabriel Brown,Eloi Archambaudoin,Craig Thomas,Millie Tresierra,Éric Davis,Vito DeFilippo,Tyler Hall
Year: 2009
Imdb: click here

" I loved the lair and the locations, but the Indians I could've done without"

The Phantom trailer

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