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Watch The Moment After 2: The Awakening online

Where to watch The Moment After 2: The Awakening

Actors: John Gilbert,David A.R. White,Kevin Downes,Asad Farr,Andrea Logan White,Don Parker Decker,Brad Heller,Bree Pavey,Monte Rex Perlin,Lonnie Colón,Christopher Greer,Jason Brock,Ron Hughart,Kim Estes,Wes Llewellyn
Year: 2006
Imdb: click here

" It feels more like massive right-wing religious propaganda than movie entertainment, the acting leaves a tremendous amount to be desired, the characterization leans so heavily on stereotype as to border on the ridiculous, the plot moves along so slowly at times that even the most hardcore of of insomniacs will doze off on the couch and the interpretation of Biblical text (around which the entire plot, such as it is, revolves) is simple-minded in the extreme"

The Moment After 2: The Awakening trailer

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