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Watch The Mermaid (Rusalka) online

Where to watch The Mermaid (Rusalka)

Actors: Mariya Shalayeva,Evgeniy Tsyganov,Mariya Sokova,Anastasiya Dontsova,Veronika Skugina,Irina Skrinichenko,Albina Evtushevskaya,Oksana Borisova,Ivan Nikolaev,Igor Savochkin,Igor Yatsko,Igor Uryvaev,Sergey Chirkov,Maksim Konovalov,Tomas Motskus
Year: 2007
Imdb: click here

"" With a quirky story line and a very compelling opening sequence (great graphics!), it's a combination of incredible acting by the two actresses who play the lead character at different ages as well as the supporting cast and creative directing that make this worth watching"

The Mermaid (Rusalka) trailer

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