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Watch Exit Through the Gift Shop online

Where to watch Exit Through the Gift Shop

Actors: Banksy,Mr. Brainwash,Debora Guetta,Space Invader,Monsieur André,Zeus,Shepard Fairey,Ron English,Caledonia Curry,Borf,Buffmonster,Steve Lazarides,Wendy Asher,Roger Gastman,Laurent Nahoum-Vatinet
Year: 2010
Imdb: click here

"Soon, a documentary was looking like it was taking shape, but was it really? At one point, after years of filming and amassing such a large collection that it would make all OCD-ers cringe, he did try and make a documentary out of it called 'LIFE REMOTE CONTROL - THE MOVIE', which Banksy, upon watching it, didn't really know what to say, since he hated it and couldn't really put it in words"

Exit Through the Gift Shop trailer

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