Actors: Leslie Cheung,Chien-Lien Wu,Xiaolin Geng,Lei Huang,Phillip Chung-Fung Kwok,Lin Liu,Tianchi Liu,Fong Pau,Roy Szeto,Bing Wang,Ruoli Wang,Lan Xie,Yan Xie,Yang Xie,Liwen Yu
Genre: Year: 1995
Imdb: click here " The script (by Roy Szeto, Raymond Wong and director Yu) is essentially a reworking of SONG OF MIDNIGHT (1937), an early effort by pioneering Chinese horrormeister Ma-xu Weibang, though Yu's film emphasizes atmosphere and melodrama over outright horror, and the film's central section - the heartbreaking disintegration of Cheung's relationship with Wu - is played to perfection by an attractive cast, underscored by Chris Babida's melancholy score"