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Watch Through the Olive Trees (Zire darakhatan zeyton) online

Where to watch Through the Olive Trees (Zire darakhatan zeyton)

Actors: Mohamad Ali Keshavarz,Farhad Kheradmand,Zarifeh Shiva,Hossein Rezai,Tahereh Ladanian,Hocine Redai,Zahra Nourouzi,Nasret Betri,Azim Aziz Nia,Astadouli Babani,N. Boursadiki,Kheda Barech Defai,Ahmed Ahmed Poor,Babek Ahmed Poor,Mahbanou Darabi
Year: 1994
Imdb: click here

"Found this film to easily engage my heart without burdening my head with too much technique"

Through the Olive Trees (Zire darakhatan zeyton) trailer

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