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Watch Life Is What You Make It (Linha de Passe) online

Where to watch Life Is What You Make It (Linha de Passe)

Actors: Sandra Corveloni,João Baldasserini,Vinícius de Oliveira,Geraldo Rodrigues,Kaique Jesus Santos,Roberto Audi,Denise Weinberg,Ana Luiza Garritano,Sérgio Mastropasqua,Renata Novaes,Mário César Camargo,Gabriela Rabello,Rafael Losso,Almir Barros,Luis Serra
Year: 2008
Imdb: click here

" Sandra Corveloni won Best Actress for the film at Cannes, and Vinicius de Oliveira, famous for his amazing performance as a child in "Central Station," plays one of Sandra's sons"

Life Is What You Make It (Linha de Passe) trailer

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