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Watch Sita Sings the Blues online

Where to watch Sita Sings the Blues

Actors: Annette Hanshaw,Aseem Chhabra,Bhavana Nagulapally,Manish Acharya,Reena Shah,Sanjiv Jhaveri,Pooja Kumar,Debargo Sanyal,Aladdin Ullah,Nitya Vidyasagar,Nina Paley,Deepti Gupta
Year: 2008
Imdb: click here

" If the "point" of the work were simply to present the Ramayana on film the way "The Ten Commandments" is a filmed presentation of the Book of Exodus, it would be kind of silly to have Sita break into Blues songs in the first place, wouldn't it? Ms"

Sita Sings the Blues trailer

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