"it is a great summer movie it is a perfect summer movie this is one great movie you will like this movie so much it is a wonderful movie i never saw a movie this good before you will like all of the music in this one of a kind movie finally summer is here good to be chilling out that is one of the songs in the movie you will like it so much it is one of the best movies in the whole universe it is much better than the fist high school musical i mean there is no kissing that is good this is a wonderful movie you will say wow what a great movie because it is a great movie it is the bomb i like this movie so much it rocks i never saw a movie this great before i like it so much i think this movie should when 8 awards that is how good this movie is i like this so much and so will you go see it today you want be sorry i like this movie so much this movie is the big cheese if you like the first you will like high school musical 2 it is one of the best movies in the world"