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Actors: Aaron Stanford,Christopher Lloyd,Ryan Donowho,Carol Sutton,Zooey Deschanel,Frank Wood,B.J. Hopper,Jane Brody,Keir O'Donnell,Brent Kirkpatrick,Izabella Miko,Walter Breaux,Tony Molino,Margaret Lawhon,Maria Mason
Year: 2007
Imdb: click here

" This movie is clearly the writer's hipster wet dream of a life he wishes he could live: a sub-par musician who works at a café that only sells cereal (?), his ultra-cool artist girlfriend Zoey Deschanel (who must have owed a favour to the makers of this terrible, terrible thing), and supporting stoner characters who have nothing better to do than hang out and talk about cereal"

Flakes trailer

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