Actors: Paprika Steen,Ulrich Thomsen,Jonas Wandschneider,Nikolaj Falkenberg-Klok,Emma Juel Justesen,Mollie Maria Gilmartin,Josephine Gents,Emma Claudia Søndergaard,Jakob Fals Nygaard,Andreas Gram Nielsen,Mathias Peter Kjær,Sonja Richter,Peter Hesse Overgaard,Henrik Prip,Olivia Stenderup Garre
Genre: Year: 2007
Imdb: click here " How this one builds up her identity, with the fake name, the strange photograph where objects keep appearing based on the revelations made by the group and the strange mind-control properties and the connection to the chickens make for great fun, and when it gets to the confirmation sequence, it's unbelievably suspenseful and generates a great shock, as well as the science-fiction centered finale that ends this one with some fun times"