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Watch The Star Maker (Uomo delle stelle, L') online

Where to watch The Star Maker (Uomo delle stelle, L')

Actors: Sergio Castellitto,Tiziana Lodato,Franco Scaldati,Leopoldo Trieste,Clelia Rondinella,Tano Cimarosa,Nicola Di Pinto,Costantino Carrozza,Jane Alexander,Tony Sperandeo,Leo Gullotta,Luigi Maria Burruano,Carmelo Di Mazzarelli,Antonella Attili,Domenico Dolce
Year: 1995
Imdb: click here

" It's a nice idea, and there are some charming details in the film, but as a whole, this movie is somewhat contrived and it runs of the risk of representing the Sicilian peasantry as little more than idiots"

The Star Maker (Uomo delle stelle, L') trailer

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