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Watch The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear online

Where to watch The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear

Actors: Gilles Kepel,Melvin Goodman,Stephen Holmes,William Kristol,Michael Ledeen,Richard Perle,Azzam Tamimi,Fouad Allam,Abdullah Anas,Omar Azzam,Milton Bearden,Robert Bork,David Brock,Jason Burke,Anne Cahn,John Calvert,Vincent Cannistraro,David Cole,Joe Conason,Bill Durodie,Essam El Erian,Roxanne Euben,Mikhail Gorbachev,Kamal Habib,Ron Hansen,Ali Haroun,David Cay Johnston,Lewis Z. Koch,Irving Kristol,Michael Lind,Harvey Mansfield,John Molloy,Richard Pipes,John Prados,Theodore Rockwell,Stanley Rosen,Sam Schmidt,William Swor,Paul Weyrich,Jack Wheeler,Paul Wolfowitz
Year: 2004
Imdb: click here

" One can only hope that a discerning public will eventually be exposed to the hollow, vain, and arrogant "men behind the curtain" in both societies, so that all can realize that these wizards of terror are just empty charlatans"

The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear trailer

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