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Watch Daisies (Sedmikrasky) online

Where to watch Daisies (Sedmikrasky)

Actors: Ivana Karbanová,Jitka Cerhová,Marie Cesková,Jirina Myskova,Marcela Brezinová,Julius Albert,Oldrich Hora,Jan Klusák,Josef Konícek,Jaromír Vomácka,Jirina Cesková,Václav Chochola,Ester Krumbachová,Jaroslav Kucera,Jarosmir Kuvacha
Year: 1966
Imdb: click here

" Perhaps part defense-mechanism, perhaps part lyrical lysergic reaction to the disciplined times, the film surely wants to defy something, but settles for defying classification"

Daisies (Sedmikrasky) trailer

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