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Watch Fateless (Sorstalanság) online

Where to watch Fateless (Sorstalanság)

Actors: Marcell Nagy,Béla Dóra,Bálint Péntek,Áron Dimény,Péter Fancsikai,Zsolt Dér,András M. Kecskés,Dani Szabó,Tibor Mertz,Péter Vida,Endre Harkányi,Márton Brezina,Zoltán Bukovszki,Gábor Nyiri,Jenö Nagy
Year: 2005
Imdb: click here

" In voice-over, however, he talks about the hours between work and the evening meal as one of quiet reflection and about the joy in discovering a piece of meat or potato in his soup"

Fateless (Sorstalanság) trailer

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