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Watch Sex of the Stars (Le sexe des étoiles) online

Where to watch Sex of the Stars (Le sexe des étoiles)

Actors: Marianne Coquelicot Mercier,Denis Mercier,Tobie Pelletier,Sylvie Drapeau,Luc Picard,Gilles Renaud,Jean-René Ouellet,Danielle Proulx,Paul Dion,Kim Yaroshevskaya,Gisèle Trépanier,Frédéric Pierre,Abeille Gélinas,Izabel Rousseau,Daniel Laflamme
Year: 1993
Imdb: click here

" Still, it's one of the few but growing number of movies with positive portrayals of transgendered people and issues"

Sex of the Stars (Le sexe des étoiles) trailer

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