Jerry Sladkowski's intriguing film about the search for a hastily buried treasure begins in September 1939. With the Germans about to invade Poland, Jack Atkin gathered together his Jewish family's valuables before burying them on his property in Lodz and fleeing to London.
Seventy years later, his grandson, Mark Atkin, sets out on a voyage of discovery, not just back to Lodz but to Los Angeles, where distant cousins live and to London, where relatives might be able to explain why Jack returned to a war torn Europe, ending up in Riga prison camp.
Finally in Lodz, he finds the family property intact. Are the buried valuables still there, will his relatives lay claim to a share and will Poland's ever-changing position on the restitution of Jewish property affect any discovery? As Mark digs into Polish soil, he also digs up a family history which reflects that of many European Jewish families during the war.
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