Tiny Planets is a United Kingdom television show aimed at pre-schoolers produced by Pepper's Ghost Productions, Ltd. The concept was created by the in-house creative team at Peppers Ghost: Andy Park (former commissioning editor at the BBC and Channel 4), Richard Davis and Antony Hatfield (who went on to work as Head Writer and Development Executive on the show). Strong character designs, the work of Ed Taylor, caught the eye of the late Nina Elias-Bamberger at Sesame Workshop (who developed Dragon Tales and other children's shows). The resulting project, produced by Richard Morss, was screened in 17 global territories with its characters used in promotions by Nestle and McDonalds. Both the show and its interactive website won a BAFTA award in 2001. The episodes are quick 5-minute snippets designed to cater to pre-schoolers' short attention span. There are 65 five minute episodes, sometimes packeged as 16 thirty minute editions.
Genre: Children