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What is Dragonfly TV about?
This multi-media show features children inventing new ways to acomplish tasks and test out scientific theories. This PBS show airs as part of PBS Kids GO!, a new series of Children's shows designed for kids on the older side of PBS Kids viewers. The show focuses on the excitement of kids discovering new ways of approaching science and math.

Season 1 of Dragonfly TV

    Episode 2: Wheels  
    Episode 4: Water  
    Episode 5: Rocks  
    Episode 6: Flight  
    Episode 7: Weather  
    Episode 9: Plants  
    Episode 10: Air  
    Episode 12: Space  

Season 2 of Dragonfly TV

    Episode 4: Spinning  
    Episode 7: Sound  
    Episode 11: Mammals  

Season 3 of Dragonfly TV

    Episode 3: Wind  
    Episode 8: Speed  
    Episode 9: Health  
    Episode 11: Games  
    Episode 12: Space  
    Episode 13: Dogs  

Season 4 of Dragonfly TV

    Episode 1: Energy  
    Episode 4: Friction  
    Episode 5: Sound  
    Episode 6: Canines  
    Episode 12: Mammals  

Season 6 of Dragonfly TV

    Episode 1: Alaska  
    Episode 7: Hawaii  

Season 7 of Dragonfly TV

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