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Watch Aguila Roja (Red Eagle) online

What is Aguila Roja (Red Eagle) about?
Red Eagle is a series of adventure and intrigue on the courage, nobility, friendship and love. The protagonist, played by David Janer, is an unsung hero of justice of the seventeenth century, known by the nickname of Red Eagle, who helps the weak and who is determined to uncover the conspiracy behind the murder of his young wife.

Genre: Action and Adventure
Imdb: click here

Season 1 of Aguila Roja (Red Eagle)

Season 2 of Aguila Roja (Red Eagle)

Season 3 of Aguila Roja (Red Eagle)

    Episode 1:   
    Episode 2:   
    Episode 3:   
    Episode 4:   
    Episode 5:   
    Episode 6:   
    Episode 7:   

Season 4 of Aguila Roja (Red Eagle)

    Episode 1: 4x01  
click here to see where to watch

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