On 11/12/02 - a fleeing shoplifter takes a turn and cop misses a PIT attempt, then he swerves and the cop misses on the second try. n 2/26/93 - a DWI pursuit of a truck that grinds his gears and weaves around. They pull Mr. Sheffield over and question him about how much he had to drink. He says he had a beer or so. He gives the alphabet, does some and says and so forth/On 1/7/01- a DWI truck is chased and proceeds along at a very slow speed. He then waves the cops over and he stops. They pull him out, cuff him and search him. He’s said he’s had enough to drink/Mebane 4/11/99 - a high speed pursuit continues for miles weaving in and out of traffic. Then the guy just jumps out going 40mph and rolls over and over.
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