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What is Edderkoppen about?
DR TV drama series big spider takes viewers back to the years after the occupation, exactly to 1949 - to the postwar Copenhagen. It is a time when Denmark is still characterized by shortages, rationing and the occupation period more or less shady business - but it also is preparing to go into the more orderly 50-ere. It is also a time that is full of trickery and scams, lawlessness and corruption, misery and longing. The city's gangsters and black market traders have a field day - they can provide everything that the Danes have missed so long, ranging from extra ration books, booze and cigarettes for American cars. The country still struggling with a moral deficit on top of the police solve the time, and the Temporary Emergency Police do not enjoy little respect among very many in the population. Center of the spider is Bjarne Madsen, a young idealistic journalist with a burning desire to tell the readers some really important truths. However, it is not until he at tavern Kronborg Adelgade gets a tip about organized crime in the grand style that his ambition to unravel the threads of a comprehensive criminal cob-web and get to the spider itself actually starts. But when Bjarne is also the youngest of Socialist's editorial, he must submit to pecking order, and above all take care of the tasks which the more experienced colleagues do not bother to deal with, anniversaries, and interviews with the magazine and the party's supporters. The magazine already has a solid reporter at criminalize substance from the bottom reputable HC Vissing, based his work on a mutually trusting relationship with the police. Both Vissing and editor Taulov believe that Bjarne driver revolver journalism and in his hasty conclusions confuse Copenhagen to Chicago. When there finally comes a bid of a local Al Capone, it's a used car dealer who nobody has heard of before: Svend Aage Hjalmar. Bjarne can not help but continue his own studies in the field and run investigative journalism among prostitutes and black market wholesalers. Meanwhile, may his worried mother, who is the widow of a trade unionist see him get beaten and tattered home and try to patch up both him and his clothes together. Since two faceless equal drifts ashore at Charlottenlund, says Bjarne happen next Vissing phone as an informant calls with the news. Bjarne exploit its lead and hurries to Charlottenlund, where a local cop is wrong and thinks he is a civilian dressed colleague from Homicide. It gives Bjarne a chance to look at the corpses before the real police and Vissing arrive - everyone is furious about Bjarne's interference and his deceptive. Since Politikomissær Gordan at a news conference at Police Headquarters explain the discovery of two corpses, only Bjarne, who outside the police district is aware that the Police Commissioner's presentation is deliberately misleading. In the meantime, Bjarne delagtiggjort Vissing's knowledge and apparently secured a slightly chilly support from the experienced crime reporter. But some evidence is actually already on the go invisible threads from the Copenhagen underworld up in police management. The spider viewers will meet a fascinating mixture of a number of new faces and a quantity known, popular actors in many roles. Centrally stands debut Jakob Cedergren as Bjarne Madsen Stine Stengade of history young girl actress Lisbeth, as Bjarne randomly run into while she stands and tries furs in one of the leading clothing stores. Bjarne odd journalist colleague Hans Christian Vissing played by Bent Mejding. In other large and small roles will range through being able to see and revisit Lars Mikkelsen, Lars Bom, Birthe Neumann, Bjarne Henriksen, Louise Mieritz, Flemming Enevoldsen, Peter Steen, Claus Ryskjær, Troels Lyby, Max Hansen, Henrik Koefoed, Lotte Andersen, Preben Harris, Susse Wold, Thomas Bo Larsen, Jimmy Jorgensen, Gerard Bidstrup, Klaus Bondam, Trine Dyrholm Steen Springborg, Soren Pilmark, Paprika Steen, Thomas Milton Walther, Kjeld Nørgaard, Lars Brygmann, Jens Jørn Spottag, Lars Lunøe , Thure Lindhardt, Al Agami, Ghita Nørby, Bent Conradi, Paul Hüttel and many, many more. The spider is directed by Ole Christian Madsen, while the script is written by Lars Kjeldgaard with Lars K. Andersen episode writer after idea of ??Rivendell Ebbe Reich. Photos by Jorgen Johansson, clip by Soren B. Ebbe and Camilla Skousen with sound design by Hans Moller. Set design was created by Sven Wichmann and the music was composed by Søren Hyldgaard. The spider was produced by DR TV-Drama, in collaboration with Metronome Productions A / S and SVT.

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Season 1 of Edderkoppen

    Episode 1: 1. Del  
    Episode 2: 2. Del  
    Episode 3: 3. Del  
    Episode 4: 4. Del  
    Episode 5: 5. Del  
    Episode 6: 6. Del  
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