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Watch It's Me or the Dog online
What is It's Me or the Dog about?
In just one minute dog behaviorist Victoria Stilwell can take control of any dog and she's determined to bring Britain's baddest dogs back in line.
Season 1 of It's Me or the Dog
Episode 1: Jimi and Duke
Episode 2: Penny, Fudge, Mouse, Blue, Cookie, and Toby
Episode 3: Teddy Pom Pom
Episode 4: Pongo
Episode 5: Lilly
Episode 6: Diesel the Husky
Season 2 of It's Me or the Dog
Episode 1: Pugsley
Episode 2: Toadie and Smartie
Episode 3: Rufus
Episode 4: Bailey
Episode 5: Max
Episode 6: Rex
Episode 7: Tallulah
Episode 8: Ben
Episode 9: Red and Jasper
Episode 10: Jilly Johnson
Episode 11: Bailey at Crufts
Episode 12: Teddy Pompom update
Season 3 of It's Me or the Dog
Episode 1: Jodie Marsh
Episode 2: Breamble and Benji
Episode 3: Lucy
Episode 4: Pixie and Tyson
Episode 5: Bumble and Dougal
Episode 6: Buster and Morgan
Episode 7: Teo
Episode 8: Special
Episode 9: Special fat dogs
Episode 10: Jimi and Duke Up Date
Season 4 of It's Me or the Dog
Episode 1: Widget and Gizmo
Episode 2: Chaos
Episode 3: Harvey
Episode 4: Jed
Episode 5: Roxy and Rio
Episode 6: Niles
Episode 7: Zulu
Episode 8: Lottie
Episode 9: Peanut
Episode 10: Toby
Episode 11: Molly and Alfie
Episode 12: Crufts Exhibition
Episode 13: Bumble and Doogle
Season 5 of It's Me or the Dog
Episode 1: Menace to High Society
Episode 2: The Castle Goes to the Dogs
Episode 3: The Terrier Takes Manhattan
Episode 4: Bad to the Bone
Episode 5: The Rocky Road
Episode 6: The Woof Pack
Episode 7: Bone of Contention
Episode 8: Six Chihuahuas Under
Episode 9: 'Til Dogs Do Us Part
Episode 10: Dakota Territory
Episode 11: Taming Indiana
Episode 12: Calamitous Canines
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