In the near future, Germany, creatures called "Démoniaques" appear and terrorize the population. The number of these creatures increases by the contamination of some their victims. On a motorcycle circuit, for a grand prix, one of these creatures is sowing death and desolation. A police unit, XAT, led by Hermann Saltza went on up to the master monster-type amalgam. The police, however, are behind a strange person nicknamed Blue, which destroyed the monster saving Gerd Frantzen, living god of grand prix motorcycle, a death ensured.
During this incident, Gerd (friend of Hermann) loses the use of his legs and leading to his dismissal the loss of his girlfriend ... A mysterious doctor comes to him and offered him a miracle drug which transforms into an amalgam of a human soul the same type as Blue. Then the police race against the clock to stem the epidemic while trying to to sort out the good and evil among these beings.
Genre: Animation