Pigeon Street was an animated children's television series originally shown on the BBC in 1981 as part of its 'See-saw' strand for pre-schoolers. There were two series with eight and five episodes respectively, each programme lasting fifteen minutes. The series has been repeated a number of times.
The animation was created by Alan Rogers and Peter Lang of the Cut-Out Animation Co., who later went on to do a nursery rhyme series with similar animation called Rub-A-Dub-Dub. Voices were performed by George Layton, with additional voices by John Telfer. Music was by Benni Lees, and played by Soulyard.
The shows featured the everyday adventures of a group of characters living on Pigeon Street, an area of flats and terraced housing in a British city, also home to several pigeons which appeared in each show but only occasionally featured in the plot.
Characters included Clara the long distance lorry driver, her cohabiting partner Hugo the chef, Mr Baskerville the detective, Mr Jupiter the astronomer, Mr Macadoo the petshop owner and two twins, Molly and Polly, who were only distinguishable by the letter M and P on their jumpers.
Actors: eorge Layton, John Telf
Genre: Animation, Children