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What is Two Fat Ladies about?
A tantalising blend of cookery and comic exploits, the award-winning Two Fat Ladies present traditional cooking and hearty meals for a generation tired of faddy diets and supermarket blandness Jennifer Patterson and Clarissa Dickson-Wright tour Britain on their Triumph Thunderbird, in their quest to rediscover the delights of traditional home cooking using the freshest ingredients. As English as roast beef, richer than suet pudding, camper than sherry trifle, with a kick like Somerset cider they are united by their enthusiasms, prejudices and their unshakeable belief in their own culinary expertise.

Actors: Jennifer Patterson, Clarissa Dickson-Wright
Genre: Home and Garden
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Season 1 of Two Fat Ladies

    Episode 2: Meat  
    Episode 5: Game  

Season 2 of Two Fat Ladies

    Episode 2: Lunch  
    Episode 3: A Picnic  
    Episode 6: Dinner  

Season 3 of Two Fat Ladies

Season 4 of Two Fat Ladies

    Episode 3: Timber!  
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