Kyouko enters Youkai Academy, carrying a parcel for Tsukune. On her way, she crashes into Kokoa, who is holding a parcel that has the same wrapping as Kyouko's parcel. When the two recover, they accidentally exchange parcels, and Kyouku ends up with the Lilith Mirror. It turns out that the Lilith Mirror is a dangerous object that not only reveals the true form of all the students at Youkai Academy but also their inner desires. Kyouko realizes that Tsukune is attending a school where everyone is a youkai and becomes frightened by everyone's true form. Eventually, Moka saves Kyouko. Although, Kyouko is scared, Moka manages to earn Kyouko's trust in her. But after gazing at the Lilith Mirror, she splits into two individuals, her sealed self and her unsealed self. Luckily, the Lilith Mirror's effect is reversed at the end, and everyone returns back to their normal selves. Confused at first as to why Inner Moka chose to re-fuse with her, Moka understands that even though she trusts Tsukune, she doesn't have the power to protect him. Kyouko lets Tsukune stay in the school as Ruby takes Kokoa to the Headmaster. But the group's troubles are far from over, because the barrier that divides both the human and youkai world is starting to crumble.
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