however the enraged fish only slightly dents the cage.
Eventually, Nigel throws the Bothriolepis out of the cage, and the Dunkleosteus slices through the chainmail and the Bothriolepis. Spying a baby Dunkleosteus, the adult turns cannibal and kills the baby. It then regurgitates the indigestible parts of its meal (the armour plating and the chainmail).
As Nigel departs for the surface, he explains that the placoderms as a whole have a grim future ahead of them. In another twenty million years, the entire Class of Placodermi will disappear.
Bothriolepis (identified as a placoderm, revealed in the book and website)
Stethacanthus (identified as an ironing-board shark, revealed in the website, book and encyclopedia)
Onychodus (in book)
Cheirolepis (in book)
Cladoselache (in book)
Graptolite (in book)
[edit] The Fourth Most Dangerous Sea
Name: The Eocene
Time: 36 million years ago
Location: Giza
Special Equipment Used: Undersea recording device
Filming Locations: Egypt
While walking in the mangrove swamps of Giza, Nigel comes across some mysterious footprints and a mound of fresh dung. Following the footprints, Nigel comes across an Arsinotherium migrating overland. Nigel takes a calculated risk and offers the huge fruit-eater an apple, but apparently this upsets the Arsinotherium and it charges at Nigel. Only by making a break into the thicker forests does Nigel escape from the mammal. Nigel watches from the forest as the Arsinotherium plunges into the water, and follows it. In the water, Nigel watches as a trio of Dorudon pass by, but there is no sign of the Basilosaurus.
The Ancient Mariner sails offshore, where the crew try a tactic to attract whales that has been used with mixed success: record a Basilosaurus call and play it back via a huge speaker that is lowered from the boat. After playing it for a while, an enraged Basilosaurus rams into the boat before diving again. Wasting no time, Nigel suits up and dives. However, the whale could attack from any direction, so Nigel stays close to the hull of the Mariner, using the boat like a shield to ward off the Basilosaurus. The Basilosaurus is evidently distressed by the calls, and attacks and disables the speaker (which is explained as a territorial response). [1]
As the Ancient Mariner sails off forward through time, Nigel explains that the tropical Eocene is a world on the brink of great climatic change. As the Oligocene dawns, Basilosaurus, Arsinotherium, and Dorudon will all vanish, victims of the climatic shifts that ended the Eocene.
Sarkastodon (in book)
Embolotherium (in book)
Gigantophis (in book)
Paleomastodon (in book)
Physogaleus (in book)
[edit] The Third Most Dangerous Sea
Name: The Pliocene
Time: 4 million years ago
Location: Peru
Special Equipment Used: Shark cage, "shark camera"
Filming Locations: Egypt, New Zealand and the Bahamas
After several minutes of heated debate, the crew of the Mariner come to an agreement. Before diving in offshore waters with the adult Megalodon, Nigel will dive in the coastal waters, with the juveniles.
Before very long, Nigel finds a small whale (an Odobenocetops) foraging for clams in the mud, and it is being hunted by a juvenile Megalodon shark. Only by taking cover in the thick underwater foliage does Nigel manage to escape the huge shark.
On the next dive (with the adults), Nigel uses the round shark cage that he previously used in the Devonian era against Dunkleosteus. This time, Nigel hopes to fire a small video camera into the dorsal fin of the shark from the relative safety of the cage.
However, Nigel panicks, and never fires the camera. Later, he tries again, this time from the surface of the Mariner. The shark is drawn to the boat via liberal amounts of chum.the shark grabs the chum but Nigel is nowere to be seen.
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