“The Carefree Gardener” is an exciting and energetic television show hosted by the award winning, Craig Allison. In his popular and entertaining style, Craig leads the viewers through heartwarming, charming and trendy garden makeovers. “The Carefree Gardener” show is educational and aesthetically breathtaking as it takes viewers into actual garden concepts. Segments in this show will provide viewers with new ideas in landscape design and construction methods, savvy gardening tips, discussions with experts, trivia, and new garden gadgets.
“The Carefree Gardener,” Craig Allison, will inspire viewers through this fast paced garden makeover show where nominated members of the community, who deserve a helping hand, are rewarded with the garden of their dreams. Craig Allison’s reputation and involvement in the community make him one of the most trusted and respected personality in the industry.
Actors: raig Allis
Genre: Home and Garden