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Watch Raumpatrouille Orion online

What is Raumpatrouille Orion about?
What seems like a fairy tale today may be reality tomorrow. Here we have a fairy tale of the day after tomorrow. There are no more national states, only mankind and her colonies in outer space. We settle on stars far-off, the bottom of the sea is developed as living place. With what are today unimaginable speeds, the starships of tomorrow transverse the Milky Way. One of this starships is the Orion, a little piece in the giant security system which protects the Earth from outer space threats. Let's accompany the Orion and her crew at their patrols-service on the edge of infinity...

Actors: ietmar Schoenherr, Eva Pflug, Claus Holm, Wolfgang Voelz, F.G. Beckha
Genre: Science-Fiction
Imdb: click here


Season 1 of Raumpatrouille Orion

    Episode 7: Invasion  
click here to see where to watch

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