Tommy Dreamer vs. Kevin Thorn with Matt Striker as the Guest Referee
Lashley vs. Hardcore Holly
Balls Mahoney vs. The Alpha Male with Matt Striker as the timekeeper
RVD vs. Elijah Burke with Matt Striker as the announcer, The Alpha Male on commentary, and Kevin Thorn as the timekeeper.
Full Recap
A video recap of last week is shown. It shows Elijah Burke’s beating at the hands of the Originals.
Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Balls Mahoney, Sandman, and Rob Van Dam are in the ring. Vince McMahon came out and said some of them will have matched tonight, but he did not say who.
Kevin Thorn pinned Tommy Dreamer with Matt Striker as guest referee. Thorn clotheslined Dreamer over Stirker’s back to get the pin.
Hardcore Holly claims he is the one person Lashley cannot beat, and that he’ll prove it in their ECW World Title match later tonight.
Bobby Lashley defeated Hardcore Holly to retain his title. Lashley hit a standing powerslam for the pin. After the match, Snitsky debuted on ECW, attacking Lashley. Holly then hit an Alabama Slam on Lashley.
Marcus Cor Von made Balls Mahoney submit to a Cobra Clutch. Mahoney was competing with an injured neck, and never submited (Matt Striker simply rung the bell).
Matt Striker interrupts the Extreme Exposé.
Elijah Burke pinned Rob Van Dam after a low blow. The ECW Originals attacked the New Breed, who fled the ring.
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