Project Catwalk is an exciting new prime-time series for Sky One hosted by Elizabeth Hurley (later series by Kelly Osbourne). The show gives twelve talented and hungry fashion designers the opportunity of a lifetime - a chance to have their collection shown at London Fashion Week. In addition one winner will be given a cash prize courtesy of £20,000 courtesy of salon exclusive styling, a mentorship with the Top Shop design team and a spread in Elle Magazine. Across the series the designers competed in a series of challenges that tested a broad range of skills. These have determined if they have what it takes to cut it in the highly competitive fashion industry. At the end of each challenge a designer was eliminated, ultimately leaving three to show at London Fashion Week. Of those three, one will win the top prize and claim their place in fashion's spotlight. Twelve up-and-coming models joined the designers on their journey. Like the designers, the models faced weekly eliminations. Of the three remaining models one will emerge from the pack and grace the pages of Elle magazine in the winning designer's clothes. Our models come from top agencies including Select, ICM, Premier and Models 1. Project Catwalk is a hip and entertaining series that will break fashion's next big name.
Actors: Lorraine Candy, Julien Macdonald, Ben de Lisi, Paula Jean Reed, Kelly Osbour
Genre: Reality