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What is The Sex Files about?
The Sex Files answers questions and clarifies myths about human sexuality. Each episode explores a different topic relating to health and sexuality.

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Season 1 of The Sex Files

    Episode 2: Breasts  
    Episode 3: Orgasm  
    Episode 6: Fantasy  
    Episode 8: Fetish  
    Episode 9: Gender  
    Episode 10: Hair  

Season 2 of The Sex Files

    Episode 2: The Act  
    Episode 7: Puberty  
    Episode 14: Myths  

Season 3 of The Sex Files

    Episode 2: Celibacy  

Season 4 of The Sex Files

    Episode 1: Sex Toys  
    Episode 3: Rated X  
    Episode 6: The Kiss  

Season 5 of The Sex Files

Season 6 of The Sex Files

    Episode 3: Breasts  
    Episode 8: Touch  
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