The city of Dakota dedicates a statue to the rescue workers who helped with the Dakota riots 5 years ago. It's this riot and her getting hit by a stray bullet that killed Virgil's mother. Ebon chases a girl named Nina and Static and Gear try to stop him. She uses her powers to encircle herself, Static and Gear and turns back time ten minutes so they escape Ebon. They take her to their headquarters where she tells them she wanted to find them so she could join them. She wants to use her powers to help people. Gear creates a timer from a remote to more accurately control Nina's powers. She gets a costume and calls herself Timezone. Static says he wants to go back to the riots and changed what happened. Timezone agrees that they should go back and help people. Just as they set the timer to go back, Ebon shows up and takes it. Static zaps both Ebon and the timer and short circuits the device. All of them take a trip back in time.
They all arrive in different places and Static and G
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