Black Zarak, from atop the Great Matterhorn, tries to head toward Antarctica where he is planning to release his Devil Thunder energy there. God Ginrai attempts to stop Black Zarak, meeting him in single combat and doing significant damage to him, but then Black Zarak drops an avalanche on top of him. While this is going on, the other Cybertron Godmasters face off against a weakened Buster and Hydra. Black Zarak subjects God Ginrai with his Devil Thunder rings, immobilizing him and threatening to turn him into a robot, but suddenly Grand Maximus, who picked up a strong electromagnetic disturbance, arrives on the scene, blasting at Black Zarak to free God Ginrai, who then manages to destroy Black Zarak's robot head. Unfortunately, Devil Z assumes an even-more hideous form to battle the Cybertrons. Overlord shows up, and as Devil Z orders him to attack God Ginrai, he ends up attacking Devil Z itself. As a result, it takes away their Godmaster powers, killing Giga and Mega and turning Ove
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