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Watch Boys from the Blackstuff online

What is Boys from the Blackstuff about?
A successor to his earlier, 105-minute TV play The Black Stuff (1980), Alan Bleasdale's five-part series relates the further experiences of unemployed Liverpudlian tarmac layers Dixie, Chrissie, Loggo and Yosser, and their revered older friend, retired longshoreman and union leader, George Malone. As they struggle to make ends meet in a depressed economy, and to hold together their financially battered families, they are harrassed by the petty bureaucrats of the DHSS. But the lumbering investigational juggernaut is, both comically and tragically, guided by drivers with only a provisional license.

Actors: Michael Angelis, Alan Igbon, Peter Kerrigan, Bernard Hill, Tom Georgeson
Genre: Drama
Imdb: click here


Season 1 of Boys from the Blackstuff

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