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What is 24Seven about?
Step inside Discovery House, a dorm at the Oaks boarding school run entirely by the kids who live there. They're on their own, 24/7/365, learning to live together while learning to live in general. One thing's for sure: Love triangles, secrets, backstabbing and lying don't make it any easier to get an A on a math test. US Broadcast History April 1, 2002-January 20, 2003....Mon, Wed, Fri-9:30 PM et/pt January 30, 2003....................Thu 8 et/pt

Actors: Hayley Newton, Augustus Prew, Fiona Wade, Neil Henry, Jack Lloyd-Davies, Royce Cronin, Sadie Pickering, Jordan Frieda, Pippa Nixon

Season 1 of 24Seven

    Episode 4: Guilty  

Season 2 of 24Seven

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