In this live final episode of Survivor, the contestants reunite, with Jackie and Charlotte backstage. Mark Austin and John Leslie talk to the contestants, where all is revealed - Mick stole the rice in order to spread suspicion among his former tribemates.
In between the interviews, we see Jackie and Charlotte's last night and day on the island, as they ponder on who will win the cash prize. The two women write their speeches to the Jury - the speech that could secure a £1 million prize.
At Tribal Council, they both spoke to the Jury, both trying to convince the members that they were more deserving of the prize than the other. After the speeches, the Jury members had the chance to question the two contestants. Questions included, how they would spend the money, whether they felt that they deserved to be winners, and if they regretted any of their actions that led them to win £1 million.
Then, back in the studio, we were shown the votes from the Jury. All seven members voted for Charlo
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