Welcome to The Beachcombers guide at TV Tome. The Beachcombers holds the record for being the longest running television series in Candian history - 19 years. It has appeared in 31 countries and 5 languages. A Special Note from the Editor Concerning the Name of Relic's Boat:From time to time, I get emails from people enquiring about various aspects of the show - and I thank you folks for your interest. By far, the most common question is "What was the name of Relic's boat?" This question comes up so often, that I have decided to post the answer here.
Relic's boat did not have a name. In the scripts for the show, it was only ever referred to as "the jet-boat" or simply "Relic's boat". Relic's dilapitated houseboat did have a name ("Chuck-Chee" - derived from a local BC native language. I am not sure what the "Chee" portion of it means...but "Chuck" means "water"). People often mistake the houseboat's name for that of the jet-boat. But, the truth is: Relic's boat neve
Actors: Cameron Bancroft, Janet-Laine Green, Beau Heaton, Don Granberry, Bob Park, Reg Romero, Pat John, Cory Douglas, Juliet Randall, Charlene Aleck, Jackson Davies, Dion Luther, Marianne Jones, Bruno Gerussi, Robert Clothier, Rae Brown, Joe Austin