Cookie Monster thinks the moon is a giant cookie and sets off on a mission to figureout how he could get to the moon so that he could eat it. While Gordon tries to tellhim that the moon is not a cookie, he decides to just let Cookie Monster find outand learn this on his own. Since Slimey has been to the moon before and Gabi issaying a nursery rhyme about the cow who jumped over the moon, Cookie Monsterasks them if the moon is a cookie. They don�t know since they�ve never tasted themoon before. Cookie Monster is still left wondering how he could get to the moonand find out if it is a cookie. Finally, Gordon enters with former astronaut, BuzzAldrin, who explains to Cookie Monster that the moon is made out of rock and whileit is not a cookie, it is still a beautiful and exciting place that we can always look upat from the Earth. In the end, Cookie Monster realizes that the moon is not acookie and that he wouldn�t even want to eat the moon since then, it wouldn�t bethere to shine down on the Earth anymore.
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