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What is Pitfall about?
Welcome to the Pitfall guide at TV Tome. Pitfall had nothing to do with the classic Activision video game made for Atari 2600 (a game that wasn't even released until 1982). The show's title had to do with avoiding traps and getting across an eight-section bridge safely within a time limit. Two contestants vied for the chance to walk across that eight-section Pitfall bridge. Alex Trebek posed a question to the studio audience and provides four possible answers (e.g., "A car's wheels look the best with what coverings? Full discs, wire wheels, hubcaps or mag wheels). The audience used the keypad to lock in their response. Trebek then polled the two contestants for what they believed was the right answer. Whoever was right (it could be both of them or neither one) won a point. The first, third, and fifth points also earned the player a "Pit Pass" to use when walking across the Pitfall bridge during the bonus round. The first player to earn five points (or who was in the

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