Bob guides an elderly film maker named Phillip Sargent (far left) into the jungle to attempt to photograph the elusive and inhospitable Nakuru tribe because he has long harboured a wish to do so. His is accompanied by his demanding and haughty daughter-in-law, Myra, who is also recently widowed (centre). Myra and Sargent's sleazy secretary, Charles Kevin (second from left), conspire to kill sargent so that Myra can inherit his fortune. Sheena guides the party into Nakuru country and Sargent gets the footage he is after. Kevin commits the murder using a blow gun he has stolen in an attempt to incriminate the Nakurus by suggesting robbery. The framed man is tied to a stake and subjected to the trial by fire but Bob proves that Kevin is the killer when he finds him with a blow pipe before the flames can reach the innocent man. Myra and Kevin flee into the jungle, shooting natives as they go. Sheena pursues the killers, saves the chief's life, and Kevin is killed by a poison dart from a native's blow gun. Bob takes Myra back to Mombassa to stand trial and peace is restored to Sheena's jungle.
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