This is the 1959 CBS comedy sitcom starring Jay North. There were 146 B&W episodes that portrayed Dennis as the helpful menace that caused chaos. Dennis lived at 627 Elm Street next door to his best friend Mr. Wilson. Although Mr.Wison did not consider himself to be Dennis's best friend. Dennis always was there to help Mr. Wilson whether he wanted the help or not. Joseph Kearns played Mr. Wilson until his death in 1962. He was the perfect Mr. Wilson. He was persnickety, a perfectionist, highly intelligent and best of all, he still liked Dennis in spite of his helpful misadventures.
Actors: Gil Smith, Charles Seel, Will Wright, Maurice Manson, Charles Lane, Willard Waterman, Kathleen Mulqueen, Charles Watts, Jimmy Hawkins, Robert John Pittman, George Cisar, Mary Wickes, Sara Seegar, Gale Gordon, Byron Foulger, Herbert Anderson, Jay North, Gloria Henry, Jos
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