Upon his release from Gotham City Prison, The Joker is immediately picked up by The Catwoman in her KittyCar. They soon arrive at a sleazy hotel across the street from Police HQ, where The Catwoman shows The Joker an old parchment that will direct them to a hidden cache of gunpowder they will use to blast a hole in The Federal Depository and clean the place out! Before leaving, they alert The Batman by shooting at him from an open window. The Caped Crusader traces the gunfire to the hotel room and finds The Joker's prison garb and a corner from the parchment. Moments later, Batgirl arrives and makes off with the fragmented parchment; returning to the library as Barbara Gordon, she finds the parchment was purr-loined from the very same library out of which she works. She locates a mircofilm copy and discovers that it contained an ancient riddle, which when mixed with certain clues will lead to the hidden gunpowder!
Barbara solves the riddle and goes to her father's office at Police HQ t
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