The Clown Prince Of Crime, The Joker, attempts to undermine student morale at Woodrow Roosevelt High School in order to recruit high school dropouts for his gang of Bad Pennies by rigging the school vending machines to give out silver dollars and negotiable stocks and bonds instead of milk. Alerted by Commissioner Gordon, Batman races out to the school. An immediate assembly is made by the school's student leaders: including Richard ""Dick"" Grayson, Pete, and Susie, the school's head cheerleader. Batman shows up to show slides of mug shots of The Joker, when suddenly, out of the blue, he pops up right in full view of everyone! The Batman attempts to arrest him for loitering on school grounds, but The Joker manages to get off on a mere technicality. Meanwhile, across Gotham City, a bar is held up by a gimmicked jukebox which when activated spouts a double-barrell shotgun; then two stocking-masked hoodlums, actually two of Joker's Bad Pennies, Nick and Two-Bits, rush in to rob the bar's r
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